Wednesday, 11 March 2009

A Few More Screens

Lower Polygon Models

Here are a few reders of the lower polygon models. I managed to reduce the polygon count by a pretty huge sum which im happy about. Feels like am back on track now.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Models with texture

Just a quick glimpse of the rendered out gates with texture,

Bit of texturing, mainly for practice though

Made a few textures today, fiddled around etc. Applied some to my gates. Its mostly rough at this stage but it was good practice and am looking forward to getting a lot more done.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Rough Work

Here are a few stills of things im working on including a mild example of everything put together in one scene. As i said, all very rough at this stage as im working on textures now.

Monday, 9 February 2009


After deciding to create a car scrapyard with a graveyard feel Nate showed me a mysterious 'Cadillac Graveyard, where the bonnets of the cars are lodged into the ground at an angle creating a gravestone like effect which is a perfect example of what im trying to emulate.

Monday, 26 January 2009

Visual Inspiration

A few images of other CGI enviroments similar to mine,

These are all from Fallout 3, which has a similar style to what id be going for.